Hi, it's me, Cosmo - in case you forgot. It's been a long time, so long, I don't even know where to start. I saw mommy on super bowl sunday last weekend. She was on call, but she couldn't wait to see me so she took the train to long island to visit me at grandma's house anyway. I love my mommy, but I also love my grandma and grandpa, and I REALLY love my BUH-BE! So I'm pretty happy wherever I am, as long as the people I love are around me, which they always are. BUH-BE (great grandma) is the new GA-BY'SSSS (AKA Gah-gah, which is Gatsby - the S is at the end). You should see how excited I get when I hear the bells on Buh-be's walker, and then when I see her, I laugh, I clap my hands, I run in front of her and around her and under her walker, while she's walking, all the while yelling BUH-BE! And then when she sits in her special BUH-BE spot on the couch, I say, HIIIIIIIIIIIII, the same way I say hi to Ga-byssss! And then I give her five. And I give her kisses - MMMWHAW! I never give kisses, except to strange girls at the park, the Teletubbies on TV, and my stuffed animals - no people - just the strange girls, only BUH-BE!
Mommy couldn't believe how many new things I do and say now, and I've only been away for six days. I say DIE DIE, which means down, and when mommy and grandma correct me and say down, I saw DOOWWWN. I'm getting there. I also say UP UP UP, when I want up, and sometimes I say UP when I want down, but most times I get it right - UP means UP and DIE, I mean DOWN means down. I also say EAT, and tap my tray, just like grandma. And when Mommy and grandma spell the word B. O. T. T. L. E, I spell it right back B-O-T-T-L-E. Wonder what that means? Grandma has been singing to me a lot, and mommy can tell, because I not only sing the E-I-E-I-O part of Old MacDonald, but I also sing, QUACK QUACK HERE QUACK QUACK THERE and I keep going with QUACK QUACK QUACK and I also sing MOO MOO MOO and then sometimes I combine the QUACK QUACK MOO MOO, and it's my favorite thing to sing, because I sing it all day and clap along. I also say TUBBIES. If mommy doesn't play the Teletubbies dvd when I say TUBBIES, I say it over and over and over, and when I'm really tired and cranky, I scream it when I'm crying, TUBBBBIIIIIIIEEEEES! I love my TUBBiES. One day I even said WATCHA DOING, and grandma and mommy just looked at me. I said it once before, but mommy wasn't so sure she heard that right. Now I think she's pretty sure I said that right.
Mommy had two days off this week so grandma drove me to her apartment to spend the night. Me and mommy had the best time because she took me to the park and that's where I met Sophie. Turns out, Sophie lives in mommy's NY apartment building! Sophie is not only cute, but she's also very stylish. She's 17months old. Normally I like my women a little older, but I made an exception for Sophie. The first day I met Sophie I wasn't so sure about her, because after I stole a kid's ball, and wouldn't give it back, Sophie kept trying to steal it from me! I said, NO, MINE, even though it wasn't mine, but she didn't care and kept chasing me around the park saying ball ball ball, and I kept saying NO MINE! Mommy thought I was being a bully, and tried to give the ball to Sophie, but Sophies mom told my mommy that Sophie needed to learn to stand up for herself. Lucky for me, SOPHIE never learned. After we left the park mommy bought me my own ball, a big yellow ball. Yesterday me, mommy, and my big yellow ball went back to the park and guess who was there....SOPHIE! The other kids circled me and said, Ball, but I said NO, and mommy didn't feel so bad because it really was MY BALL and if I didn't want to share I didn't have to share. Their mommy's should have brought their own balls. The best ball game to play is stand on the top of the slide and roll the ball down to mommy. She gives it back to me and I roll the ball again. It's a very fun game. After that game, I played get on the playground equipment, and then struggle really hard to throw the ball over the top so it bounces back on the ground, so I have to climb off the equipment and chase the ball so I can do it again. After that, I got pretty tired, so I decided to let Sophie play with my ball. Only she just followed me around the park holding my ball. Later on, Sophie and I walked home from the park together, a 15 minute walk, and we held hands the whole way home. We really did. Mommy was mad she didn't have a camera.
Right now I'm back at grandma's house. Da-da is on an airplane flying to NY today to see me! I've missed dada. The other night I cried, DA-DA, DA-DA, DA-DA, when the phone rang and mommy said that's Daddy! Daddy heard me crying and said it was heartbreaking. That was the first time I cried for Da-da because normally I'm big happy boy. The next day I cried for BUH-BE when mommy said, do you want to go see BUH-BE? BUH-BE, BUH-BE, BUH-BE I cried, but then mommy turned on the TUBBIES and I was fine. I have yet to cry for mommy, but when I see mommy's picture at grandma's house I point to it and say MOMMY! And then I give it a kiss - MMMWHAW!