Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Easter ( a little late)

Hello everybody. If you haven't noticed my MOMMY has been a blog slacker. Sorry bout that. As most of you already know, I'm a hat guy. So here I am on Easter wearing my Easter ears. I made them at school. I got a lot of very nice things on Easter, and one of the things I like most was a Peter the Rabbit plate set that my grandma Noni gave to me. My favorite part about the place set is the little cup. I love my cup. I love it so much I throw a huge fit whenever MOMMY takes it away from me.

Here I am pretending to drink out of my cup. Another great thing about Easter is you get to do the Easter dance. don't know what the Easter dance is? Well grab your candy filled plastic easter eggs, shake them high, shake them low, and sing your favorite song....

Look what I found...a new hat! Actually it's just a Zip Lock baggie, but look how well it fits on my head. I'm about to play the drums with a couple of straws I found in that baggie.

Did you know I went to see the Wiggles last weekend? It was great! I loved the part where the Duck doesn't know he's a duck and Cockadoodledoo's! I clapped and sang and ate a pretzel.

Did you also know I have a lot more new words? I DO. Here are a few new words I like to say...
El-a-bent (elephant)
Aminal (animal)
Pizza (my favorite food)
dip dip dip (when I need something to dip my food in)
ye-wo (yellow)
I Yah You (I love you)
Night Night
I see you
uh-oh, sceddy o (spaghetti o)
cycle (motorcycle)
Poopies / Peepee
Where are you?
Poopies where are you? (when I sit on the potty)
I know I know I know (like the way mommy says it when she's talking to daddy)
I can count 1-10, but you have to count with me.
and I can sing songs - I love to sing songs - a few of the songs I sing regularly are the EIEIO song, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Where is Thumbkin, If you're happy and you know it, an Alicia Keys song, and my newest favorite song is la la LAY-LA, which mommy made a video of but can't figure out how to post it on blogger!
I'm also learning to throw fits. Mommy thinks I've entered my terrible two's already, even though I won't be two until the end of May

Thursday, March 27, 2008

NIGHT NIGHT (kiss kiss) I YA YOU

Mommy came home last night after being gone for 3 nights and I was so excited to see her I couldn't fall asleep. First I played the hug game. This is a new game I created last night when I saw Mommy. I lean against the wall, smile at mommy, and when mommy opens her arms, I run real fast and throw my arms around mommy and hug her and say HUGS HUGS I YA YOU! and then I run back to the wall and do it again. I did this about twenty times - until daddy said I was getting all riled up and needed to go to bed. When daddy said that I said NO! and shook my head. But he made me go to bed anyway, so mommy took me upstairs and I got in bed and said NIGHT NIGHT, made the kissy noise twice, and said I YA YOU over and over and over and over until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

Mommy's a bit behind when it comes to posting pictures, so check back later to see my easter pics. For now, here's a few pics of me at the zoo. I love the EPHANENTS and the FISHIES! Notice my new hat. That's my Captain Cosmo hat. I prefer wearing the hat and sweeping the floor at the same time. I wore this hat when I went to see mommy on her layover in San Diego. I also wore my hat all over La Jolla (while I swept the streets) and all day at the zoo and even at dinner when we went Old Town for Mexican food.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello people. Not sure if you knew this or not, but I love to brush my teeth, and I brush them all around the house. See the Fox in Socks toothbrush in my hand? I have four different toothbrushes, but this is my favorite one by far. This morning I woke up and made mommy put my sneakers on me. I like to wear CHOES first thing in the morning with my PJ's. Then I had my favorite breakfast - Toast with butter and a teeny bit of jelly. I can say TOAST now. Did you know that? There's a lot I can say. When I can't find Mommy I say MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU, and when I find her I say I SEE YOU! During breakfast, Mommy likes to check her favorite websites and one of those websites is my cousin Layla's blog. While I'm eating TOAST mommy lets me watch Layla's videos. When I see Layla I say HI! And I get very exicited and kick my feet, which have CHOES on them. This morning I actually said the word LAYLA. It's a hard word for me to say LAYLA and sometimes LAYLA comes out LA-LA. LA-LA is also my favorite TUBBY-TUBBY (Teletubbie).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


That's me sleeping with my Elmo. Today mommy put me down for a nap, but I wouldn't go down until mommy gave me Elmo. Mommy had no idea I even liked Elmo, but I kept saying ELMO ELMO ELMO, so mommy put him in bed with me and I said, OHHH BABY, NIGHT NIGHT ELMO, and I was out five minutes later. Mommy wants to share pictures of me at the zoo in San Diego, but mommy's camera is in Daddy's car, and daddy's car is at the airport, so maybe tomorrow you can see me at the zoo with my favorite animal...the FISHIES! I also liked the EPHANENT (elephants). Mommy bought me a stuffed EPHANENT and I walk around the house holding onto it's long trunk.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Potty Time

Okay, so I like the book, but I'm not really digging this thing mommy keeps trying to get me to sit on.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I like to wear CHOES. When mommy won't put my CHOES on so I can GO GO GO SIDE (outside), I go into the closet and put her CHOES on. Mommy has pretty CHOES don't ya think? They look good with my Harley shirt and my drum headphones. I also like to wear daddy's CHOES, and his boots, and his slippers.

I also like to go to the dog park and see the DOGGIES and the PUPPIES. Here I am at the dog park chasing the dogs and saying MEOW! Daddy said no meow, ruff ruff, so I said RUFF RUFF.

Wanna know what the best part about the dog park is....the slimy balls. They're everywhere! I say DOGGIE and I chuck the ball at the DOGGIE and mommy says, don't throw the ball at the Doggie! And she shows me how to throw the ball away from the Doggie so the Doggie can chase it, only the doggie can't run as fast as I can. So I grab the ball and throw it again and chase it again. If the DOGGIE gets the BALL I say NO! MINE! Because that is my BALL, even though it's not really my ball. Another great thing about the dog park is there's lots of rakes and poo poo picker uppers which mommy won't let me touch, but I really really want to rake and pick up too!

Another thing I like to do is clean DADDY's BIKE. I can clean it for hours. I wipe one side, and then I run around and wipe the other side, and then I run back to the first side and wipe that again and I do this over and over and over until mommy and daddy get sick of watching me wipe down the bike. Sometimes Daddy lets me sit on the bike and honk the horn. Mommy says the neighbors must love that.

Another thing I love to do is blow BUH-BUH's with MOMMY. It's not easy blowing BUH-BUH's. In fact, I've only blown two BUH-BUH's by myself. Mommy blows them real good. When Mommy blows them I chase after them while GABYS sits at the door MEOWING and trying to catch the BUH-BUH's, too. Silly cat, doesn't he know the BUH-BUH's are outside.

My most favorite thing to do in the whole world, more than any of the other favorite things to do I've mentioned, is hang out with my mommy and daddy.

Here are two more pictures mommy wanted to post from our big New York adventure last month....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mommy's Day!

Today was mommy's birthday! I wish all day's were mommy's birthday because mommy's birthday day is fun! First mommy and daddy took me to the dog park where I chased the puppies. Then we went to lunch and I had my favorite food - FISH STICKS & FRENCH FRIES! Then I got to clean daddy's motorcycle. Then I got to go to the car wash. Then I got to take a long nap. Then I got to go in the backyard and blow bubbles and drive my car. Mommy took so many pictures but she can't figure out how to flip check back when the flipping problem has been corrected

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Look what I found - A puppy! I love puppies! Last night mommy and daddy took me to a restaurant and a puppy was sitting outside. I said HI PUPPY. Then I got real close to the puppy and petted it. It was a very nice puppy. Then I got even closer and laid on top of the puppy. AHHH BABY, I said to the puppy. The puppy let me lay there so I just kept on laying there as people walked by and laughed at me and my new favorite puppy in all of the world. I wish I knew where that puppy lived so I could go lay on it now. Today mommy took me to Barnes and Nobles to buy a few books and guess what...there was a lady reading books there, so I sat on a bench next to a little girl and listened to her read Green Eggs and Ham. Then I found this really cool Mickey Mouse backpack on wheels that I pulled all around the store and up to the cash register so mommy could buy it for me. After that, mommy took me to the dog park where I screamed PUPPIES! because there were puppies all over the place. Big ones. Small ones. Old ones. Baby ones. Black ones. White ones. All kind of ones. The best part about the dog park is that dogs bring slimy wet tennis balls and I get to play with the slimy wet tennis balls. I'll throw the ball and chase after it and throw it again and yell PUPPIES even though I don't want any puppies to take the ball.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Life is back to normal, finally. I'm home. Back in LA. It's crazy, so much has happened since I last wrote that I don't know where to start, so maybe I'll just start with yesterday when mommy sneezed and I said BLESS YOU. Mommy was so surpised when I said that. But I say all kinds of things now. Here are a few new things I say quite regularly:

SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE (whenever i see a park)
NO NO NO (whenver I do something I shouldn't be doing, like grabbing the remote control)
NIGHT NIGHT (Whenever I'm tired and I want to go to sleep)
GET DOWN GABYS! (When gatsby is on the counter, and when gatsby isn't on the counter)
EAT! (When I'm hungry)
GO! (When I'm ready to go - in the car when the car is not moving, when I want to go outside, when I'm in a restaurant and I'm tired of being at the restaurant)

I'm also eating with a fork and spoon now, so I'm eating a lot more food because I don't have to touch the food. You know I hate touching food, especially slimy mushy food. A few of the new things I eat are oatmeal and gnocci and yogurt and soup.