Hello everybody. If you haven't noticed my MOMMY has been a blog slacker. Sorry bout that. As most of you already know, I'm a hat guy. So here I am on Easter wearing my Easter ears. I made them at school. I got a lot of very nice things on Easter, and one of the things I like most was a Peter the Rabbit plate set that my grandma Noni gave to me. My favorite part about the place set is the little cup. I love my cup. I love it so much I throw a huge fit whenever MOMMY takes it away from me.

Here I am pretending to drink out of my cup. Another great thing about Easter is you get to do the Easter dance. What....you don't know what the Easter dance is? Well grab your candy filled plastic easter eggs, shake them high, shake them low, and sing your favorite song....

Look what I found...a new hat! Actually it's just a Zip Lock baggie, but look how well it fits on my head. I'm about to play the drums with a couple of straws I found in that baggie.
Did you know I went to see the Wiggles last weekend? It was great! I loved the part where the Duck doesn't know he's a duck and Cockadoodledoo's! I clapped and sang and ate a pretzel.
Did you also know I have a lot more new words? I DO. Here are a few new words I like to say...
El-a-bent (elephant)
Aminal (animal)
Pizza (my favorite food)
dip dip dip (when I need something to dip my food in)
ye-wo (yellow)
I Yah You (I love you)
Night Night
I see you
uh-oh, sceddy o (spaghetti o)
cycle (motorcycle)
Poopies / Peepee
Where are you?
Poopies where are you? (when I sit on the potty)
I know I know I know (like the way mommy says it when she's talking to daddy)
I can count 1-10, but you have to count with me.
and I can sing songs - I love to sing songs - a few of the songs I sing regularly are the EIEIO song, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Where is Thumbkin, If you're happy and you know it, an Alicia Keys song, and my newest favorite song is LAY-LA...la la la LAY-LA, which mommy made a video of but can't figure out how to post it on blogger!
I'm also learning to throw fits. Mommy thinks I've entered my terrible two's already, even though I won't be two until the end of May