I don't know what the heck this thing is, because i'm doing exactly what mommy does every morning and not much is happening. So anyway, time for some BIG news, and when I say BIG, I mean super huge... This afternoon I was in my bed, saying all the funny things I know how to say, in order to get out of taking a nap, when I said PEE-EW and POOPIES! Mommy just looked at me, because she knows I'm a kidder, but she took sat me on the potty anyway. Of course I wanted to read my potty book, and as I read my potty book, the potty started singing, and mommy wondered if it was broken, but guess what...it wasn't broken - I pooped in the potty! ME!! Mommy couldn't believe it! After that, mommy and I did the poopie in the potty dance, which is a lot like the flash dance dance, because you move your feet really fast, like your running in place, but you also wiggle your hands in the air, spin in the circle, and sing POOPIES IN THE POTTY, over and over. It's a really fun dance. You should try it next time.