That's me under the hat. In case you didn't know. And that's also my favorite hat. And my favorite ball. Hats and balls and brooms and water buckets, those are my favorite things in the whole world.
Last night MOMMY and DADDY took me to Home Depot and I went on a broom search, and would you know I found broom heaven! That place is amazing! I didn't want to leave. I cried when I had to because of something about going to bed. Bed, who needs bed when there are BROOMS?
Something else you should know about me is I'm a very polite guy. I say THANK YOU and YOU'RE WELCOME all the time. In fact, if I hand you something, I'll say THANK YOU YOU'RE WELCOME at the same time. I'm still working on please. For some reason I'm not big on the word please. Not yet.
Today was MUSIC CLASS day. It was MONKEY and HIPPO day, so we sang all about MONKEY'S and HIPPOS. I've gotten really good in class. I learned how to share and how to take turns and how to make a beat on the drum. After MUSIC CLASS we went home and MOMMY filled my baby pool with WATER so I could use my BUCKET and pour the WATER out. Then after I poured most of the WATER out I blowed BUBBLES! I'm a really good BUBBLE blower. What can I say, life is good.