I SORRY, because I'm such a well mannered young man that if you run into me, or drop something, or break something, I'll say I SORRY and then I'll add your name to the end of that sentence. For instance, when Mommy almost knocked me over, I said, I SORRY MOMMY, and then Mommy said, No, I'm sorry baby, and then I said I SORRY BABY.
I'm like my talking Pete the parrot bird because yesterday a lady said, Hi Sweety, and then I said, HI SWEETY right back, and when Daddy called mommy honey, I called mommy honey, and when daddy called mommy heather, I called mommy heather, I said NO HEATHER BAF! Which meant get off the computer Mommy I want to take a bath. Speaking of baths, I like to swim with the ocean animals. I do this by putting this ocean animal book that makes a circle around the bath. I love the ocean animals so much that mommy and daddy took me to the aquarium. I had so much fun at the aquarium watching the sea otters, which I can say, because I say OTTERS and I love the FISHIES.
Today Mommy took me to the book store and I got a book about baby elephants because I love elephants, I even have an elephant puppet that mommy uses to get me to brush my teeth. Mommy uses this funny voice to talk for Mr Elephant and I use the funny voice back.