Monday, February 23, 2009
Camp Derek
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cuddles Cosmo
Hello, people, guess what...I'M OFFICIALLY 100% POTTY TRAINED! Though I still wear pull-ups to bed, even though I yell out MOMMY DADDY I HAVE TO GO! In the middle of the night if I have to go. Yep, that's right, I'm a big boy now. Not only that, but I take care of business standing up! Yeah, I'm the man.
I must admit I do get a little scared of the BIG POTTY when I have to take care of "other" business, like when I'm out at a restaurant, because I'm afraid I'm going to fall in. When it comes to sitting on the potty, I don't want to sit for TOO LONG, and that's why I have four to five false alarms until I finally go. If it's not going to be quick, I'm not going to sit. Oh no! Hey, that's just me.
Today Mommy is calling me Cuddles, or else she calls me Cosmo Cuddles, so I've been calling her Mommy Cuddles. The reason she calls me Cuddles is because I'm so cuddley and the reason I'm all mushy is because I'm sick and the reason I'm sick is because Daddy WAS sick and now Mommy is getting sick. We're a bunch of sickos today. Even though I'm not feeling so well, I've managed to fix things around the house. Check out my Handy Manny tool belt. I'm just like Handy Manny now (My favorite cartoon!) I wear my tool belt everywhere I go and I always make sure to take along my hammer with me wherever I go, just in case I may need to hammer something. Like at music class. And the grocery store. Because I'm so skinny Mommy has to tie it around my waist. I've been eating like crazy, but I've STILL only 30 pounds. This morning I ate TWO bowls of oatmeal mixed with TWO containers of baby food and I'm still too skinny for my yellow tool belt! And that's why my pants are falling off me, pants I wore last y
Look at me, I'm like Mommy, a multi-tasker. I'm feeding Scrapper AND holding my tools. That's my job, by the way, feeding Scrapper, and no one is allowed to do it but me. Sorry. Scrapper is mine.