Something about me you should know, I don't really like to color. 1. I don't like crayons. 2. Markers get your hands dirty. 3. It takes to long so that's why I scribble. 4. I'd rather do something else like watch Power Rangers or Clone Wars or play sword fighting or I don't know. I'm just not a big colorer. Well today mommy wanted me to concentrate and I did and look....my first real picture that I actually took time to make. Mommy thinks it's great. Daddy got scared.
Something else about me. I like my hair crazy. No way am I letting mommy cut it. And don't even think about brushing it. I want to grow out to look cool like Anakin or Luke Skywalker on Star Wars.
One more thing about me. I can't wait for my birthday. Darth Vader is coming to my party and I'm going to fight him! I've got all kinds of jedi moves ya know!