Hello, everybody. I've been very busy these days. Ma-me, da-da, and I flew Texas last week to see my Great Grandpa, Na-na and grandpapoo. It was a very fun and exciting weekend. Here I am with my Great Grandpa George. My name is Cosmo George, so Grandpa George and I share the same name, and a fondnest for spaghetti pie, and taking an hour to eat the spaghetti pie. Spaghetti pie is soooo good. See Great Grandpa George letting me pet his deer. I really liked that dear. It didn't bite, like Ga-ga, and it didn't meow, either, even though I meowed at it. It was a very nice deer.

Look at me playing in the leaves. We don't have leaves where I live. We don't even have grass. All we have in California is cement and sand, so it was so much fun when
da raked the leaves in a pile and then showed me how to kick them around. It was also fun raking. And sweeping. I'm a really good sweeper.

Here I am taking a walk with
da to see the chickens that aren't really chickens. They flew away before we could get too close.

That's my Great Grandpa George's tree. I think it might be the biggest tree I've ever seen. Next time you see my
da, ask him what he saw in the tree. The thing he saw gave him nightmares. What gave me nightmares were the cows. There were so many of them! I didn't really care so much about the cows. Not as much as
da, who kept wanting to pull over on the side of the road and point them out. Me, I liked the deer on great grandpa's wall better. My
na was really scared of that cow in the picture. She kept telling
da and me to get back in the car. She thought it was getting mad. It doesn't look so mad.

It was sad saying "
buh-bye"to my Great Grandpa George, but we had to get back on the road drive back to Dallas. It was a really long drive for a guy like me. But once we got to Dallas things got better. When I saw the city lights I said, "Wow" just like I do when Ma-me turns on the Christmas tree.

Here is my cousin Layla. She's gotten so big. I like her this big because she's more fun to play with. I gave her rides in the walker by pushing her from behind, and while I pushed her around the living room I said buh-bye over and over. I also kissed and hugged her. A lot. I think Ma-me and Da-da got jealous. A lot. And then Aunt Holly gave me this really cool toy that I can talk into that makes my voice sound really funny. And REALLY loud. Da-da just loves that toy.

Look at me chasing after Layla. She's a fast runner in that contraption. I can't wait until she gets out of that thing and can run for real. I played the mommy monster game with her.
Grandpapoo is a pretty good game player, too. We played the pull on my pants so I can't run away game. I loved that game.
Grandpapoo took me on a walk. It was fun. I can't wait to go back to Texas to see my family and eat corn dogs and spaghetti pie.