Hello, everybody. I've been very busy these days. Ma-me, da-da, and I flew Texas last week to see my Great Grandpa, Na-na and grandpapoo. It was a very fun and exciting weekend. Here I am with my Great Grandpa George. My name is Cosmo George, so Grandpa George and I share the same name, and a fondnest for spaghetti pie, and taking an hour to eat the spaghetti pie. Spaghetti pie is soooo good. See Great Grandpa George letting me pet his deer. I really liked that dear. It didn't bite, like Ga-ga, and it didn't meow, either, even though I meowed at it. It was a very nice deer.

Look at me playing in the leaves. We don't have leaves where I live. We don't even have grass. All we have in California is cement and sand, so it was so much fun when Da-da raked the leaves in a pile and then showed me how to kick them around. It was also fun raking. And sweeping. I'm a really good sweeper.

Here I am taking a walk with da-da to see the chickens that aren't really chickens. They flew away before we could get too close.

That's my Great Grandpa George's tree. I think it might be the biggest tree I've ever seen. Next time you see my da-da, ask him what he saw in the tree. The thing he saw gave him nightmares. What gave me nightmares were the cows. There were so many of them! I didn't really care so much about the cows. Not as much as Da-da, who kept wanting to pull over on the side of the road and point them out. Me, I liked the deer on great grandpa's wall better. My na-na was really scared of that cow in the picture. She kept telling Da-da and me to get back in the car. She thought it was getting mad. It doesn't look so mad.

It was sad saying "buh-bye"to my Great Grandpa George, but we had to get back on the road drive back to Dallas. It was a really long drive for a guy like me. But once we got to Dallas things got better. When I saw the city lights I said, "Wow" just like I do when Ma-me turns on the Christmas tree.

Here is my cousin Layla. She's gotten so big. I like her this big because she's more fun to play with. I gave her rides in the walker by pushing her from behind, and while I pushed her around the living room I said buh-bye over and over. I also kissed and hugged her. A lot. I think Ma-me and Da-da got jealous. A lot. And then Aunt Holly gave me this really cool toy that I can talk into that makes my voice sound really funny. And REALLY loud. Da-da just loves that toy.

Look at me chasing after Layla. She's a fast runner in that contraption. I can't wait until she gets out of that thing and can run for real. I played the mommy monster game with her. Grandpapoo is a pretty good game player, too. We played the pull on my pants so I can't run away game. I loved that game. Grandpapoo took me on a walk. It was fun. I can't wait to go back to Texas to see my family and eat corn dogs and spaghetti pie.
1 comment:
cute. we miss you guys!
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