I had the best 4th of July ever. Mommy, Daddy, and Kelly took me to Dad's office building where we parked our cars on the roof and had a party. I got to ride my motorcycle (thanks aunt Holly!) and play bubbles and throw the ball and sit with daddy in a beach chair. It was great! The fireworks part wasn't too bad either.

Here I am with Daddy watching the fireworks. I liked the motorcyle and the ball and the bubbles better, but Daddy made me watch anyway.
Look, Daddy and I park our motorcyles side by side in the garage. I love my CYCLE

Here I am with Mommy after we went swimming. I'm a really good swimmer, especially when I've got floaties on my arms. I had such a blast standing on the step and yelling GO AWAY MOMMY which makes Mommy go away, and then I'd yell READY SET GO and jump into the water. I'd even go under a little and that was fun too! Mommy says I'm a natural treader because I can tread water like crazy.
Here I am with Nika. We're eating Mac and Cheese.

Here I am with Nika's sister Sienna. We're only a few months apart in age.
And here I am with both Nika and Sienna. All I wanted to do was drive that car but they wouldn't leave me alone!

Turns out I'm a real Californian. Why? Because I recycle. Mommy has no idea where I learned it, because she doesn't remember teaching me, but when I'm done with an art project and mommy says throw it away, even if the trash can is out, I go straight to the recyclables. I'm smart like that. This morning I woke up, looked at Mommy, because I was in bed with Mommy and Daddy, and said, COFFEE PLEASE. That made mommy and daddy laugh. I've never had coffee before, but Mommy and daddy sure love it, so I thought I'd try it!