Monday, July 14, 2008

The Mommy Doll and My Guitar

Look what I found, a mommy doll! I love my mommy doll. Mommy doll flies! That's right, when I toss her over the balcony she flies down to the dining room table.

Something else I love, other than Mommy and Mommy doll, is music! But you already knew that. What you might not know is I'm a pretty darn good GUITAR player. When the neighbor who plays the bagpipes in his house starts playing, I grab my GUITAR (eukelele) and join him in a jam session on my back patio balcony. When the neighbor stops playing I clap and say MORE MORE MORE! Mommy made a video and will try to post it soon...

Another thing I love, besides Mommy, and Mommy Doll, and Jamming out, is dancing! I dance everyday and I say DANCE DANCE DANCE when I want Mommy to put on music that I can dance to. Last night I saw a show with dancing on TV and I danced along with the dancers and showed mommy and daddy my new moves which made them wonder where I learned such groovy moves. When the commercials would come on I'd get made and yell DANCE DANCE DANCE! at the television until the dance show came on again.


Holly Allen said...

He looks like he is playing the guitar-he is holding it right!

Holly Allen said...

Heather-You have not had an update since July 18th. What is going on with you!? I miss reading Cosmo updates!