Mommy calls me Funny Boy. Actually, what she says is "you're a funny -" and then I say BOY! Friday night was pizza night, so I spent the last two days before pizza night saying PIZZA NIGHT PIZZA NIGHT! because Pizza night is very exciting. Then when I'm at the pizza place I tell anyone and everyone who will listen that it's PIZZA NIGHT! And when I look around and see all the pizza lying on the tables around me, I point and say PIZZA! And clap my hands and dance around. When the pizza FINALLY comes to the table, I yell out PIZZAAAA! I love pizza! It tastes soooo good. That's why I always eat two whole pieces - very big pieces. Everyone at the pizza place knows me by name, which is why I get star treatment. Another reason pizza to love pizza night
On pizza night mommy tries to dress me in something nice. That's why I wore a blue and red button down short sleeve shirt. Mommy thinks if I act a little crazy people might be nicer about it if I look cute. Well as soon as I saw that button down short sleeved shirt I said, DADDY'S SHIRT, which made mommy laugh and say, you're such a funny, and I interrupted with BOY! I'm also a MONKEY BOY. I like bananas and climbing on everything.
On Saturday, besides watching my favorite cartoon Callilou over and over, I got to shovel a big pile of dirt into a couple large flower pots. Daddy even bought me my own shovel for the dirty job. It was so much fun filling the pots with dirt. In fact, I went a little crazy with the dirt filling. And then I got to use the broom so sweep the extra dirt back into the garden. You know how I love to sweep. Together daddy and I filled six big pots together. And we still have two more pots to go, which we're going to do today.
After shoveling yesterday, I saw Avery. Avery is my neighbor and my best friend in the whole world. When I hear her I yell A - EE! as loud as I can and when she hears me she yells CA-MO! as loud as she can. Needless to say, there's a lot of yelling going on back and forth between our houses. Our houses are really close and the windows are always open and so I know when she's home. A-EE'S got a Dog named LUCY and daddy named DA-DA and a mommy named MA-MA, and that's what I call them, too. DA-DA, MA-MA, LUCY, and A-EE is nice. That's what I told Mommy this morning. I also told Mommy that cows is nice and gatsby is nice and..well..everything I can name is nice! A-EE is smart. I said that, too. Anyway, A-EE! has a very nice play house in her backyard that I get to play in. She also has really great toys. I like her toys and she likes my toys. We should switch houses.
Yesterday A-EE and I went to our block party where I saw a FIRE TRUCK! Oh I was so excited. I jumped up and down yelling FIRE TRUCK. I got to sit inside and drive it and honk the really loud horn. I even got a sticker from the fireman. Mommy sprayed water from the fire hose at all the neighborhood kids for me, because I was too scared to do it by myself. It was a blast. Then Avery and I walked home holding hands. And then we kissed. Actually, she kissed me. I've got it like that.
On pizza night mommy tries to dress me in something nice. That's why I wore a blue and red button down short sleeve shirt. Mommy thinks if I act a little crazy people might be nicer about it if I look cute. Well as soon as I saw that button down short sleeved shirt I said, DADDY'S SHIRT, which made mommy laugh and say, you're such a funny, and I interrupted with BOY! I'm also a MONKEY BOY. I like bananas and climbing on everything.
After shoveling yesterday, I saw Avery. Avery is my neighbor and my best friend in the whole world. When I hear her I yell A - EE! as loud as I can and when she hears me she yells CA-MO! as loud as she can. Needless to say, there's a lot of yelling going on back and forth between our houses. Our houses are really close and the windows are always open and so I know when she's home. A-EE'S got a Dog named LUCY and daddy named DA-DA and a mommy named MA-MA, and that's what I call them, too. DA-DA, MA-MA, LUCY, and A-EE is nice. That's what I told Mommy this morning. I also told Mommy that cows is nice and gatsby is nice and..well..everything I can name is nice! A-EE is smart. I said that, too. Anyway, A-EE! has a very nice play house in her backyard that I get to play in. She also has really great toys. I like her toys and she likes my toys. We should switch houses.
Yesterday A-EE and I went to our block party where I saw a FIRE TRUCK! Oh I was so excited. I jumped up and down yelling FIRE TRUCK. I got to sit inside and drive it and honk the really loud horn. I even got a sticker from the fireman. Mommy sprayed water from the fire hose at all the neighborhood kids for me, because I was too scared to do it by myself. It was a blast. Then Avery and I walked home holding hands. And then we kissed. Actually, she kissed me. I've got it like that.
Last night I wanted milk. Mommy said no milk. Only water before bed. So I became a funny boy and sang my favorite song, Hit the Road, by Dean Martin, but as I sang my song I interjected the word MILK at the end of each line. For instance, I'd sing...
Bye bye babie (MILK)
Time to hit the road to dream land (MILK)
Mommy thought I was so funny she almost got me the milk. When I was tucked in bed, and supposed to be sleeping, I decided to start singing again..
and then I'd blow real hard and say I BLOWED OUT THE CANDLE.
Mommy tried not to laugh. So I did it over and over until Mommy stopped trying not to laugh and told me to go to bed. Instead of going to bed, I decided to sing another song, but this time I added Mommy and Daddy's name in the song. Mommy ignored me, even though she thought it was really funny.

Bye bye babie (MILK)
Time to hit the road to dream land (MILK)
Mommy thought I was so funny she almost got me the milk. When I was tucked in bed, and supposed to be sleeping, I decided to start singing again..
and then I'd blow real hard and say I BLOWED OUT THE CANDLE.
Mommy tried not to laugh. So I did it over and over until Mommy stopped trying not to laugh and told me to go to bed. Instead of going to bed, I decided to sing another song, but this time I added Mommy and Daddy's name in the song. Mommy ignored me, even though she thought it was really funny.
Look, here's me and Scrapper just hanging out. That's what I like to do with Scrapper - hang out. And pet her. And lay on her. And pretty much freak her out. But SCRAPPER'S NICE, so she lets me do whatever I want to do
Tonight I'm going to the park to watch a band. You know I love parks and bands and dancing, so tonight is going to be a blast. I'm very excited. Mommy will post pictures tomorrw, so keep checking back....
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