I love to go to the library where I have to talk in my quiet voice. My quiet voice is not that quiet, especially when I fart at the library and announce it out loud. EXCUSE ME, I FARTED!
SHHHHHH, mommy says.
Which makes me say in a very loud whisper, I FARTED MOMMY, over and over, because I did, I FARTED, so EXCUSE ME.
When I go to the library I run to the kid's section and pull out a book and then take it to a table and read it to myself. I usually can read a book in less than three seconds. I starts out ONCE UPON A TIME, I flip through the pages and point out a few things i know and then say THE END and do it again. So much fun. My favorite books are books about farm animals. I know all my farm animals, as well as the sounds they make. I also know what a COW BARN is and that CHICKENS live in a CHICKEN POOP. Oh, and that COWS HAVE UDDERS.
Look at my new scooter! I'm SCOOTER MAN! Yes, I actually call myself SCOOTER MAN. Why? Because I'm such a good scooter rider. I love my scooter and ride it all over

the house. You would be shocked to see just how fast I go. And when I'm done, I turn to make sure you're watching me. If you're not I say SHOW ME MOMMY, because I want you to watch me. Working on that one.
Something else about me, my favorite night time song is the one that goes...
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea....
Rest assured, if I know you, your name gets inserted where Bonnie's name is. And if you're an animal, your species gets inserted too. Needless to say, the song goes on and on and on.
Today Mommy is going to take me to see my first real life movie in the movie theater. Madagascar. I'll tell you how it goes.