I have a CHRISTMAS TREE! and it's the most beautiful tree you've ever seen. Mommy and daddy put it together last night and I got to help decorate. Mommy's been reading Christmas books to me so that I get what's going on and what mommy doesn't understand is that I get what's going on! In the mornings I normally run into mommy and daddy's room and sleep with them for ten minutes before I get them to LAKE UP by saying LAKE UP MOMMY over and over, and if that doesn't work, I say COFFEE TIME. Did you know I like to drink MILK COFFEE thanks to Noni and her special MILK COFFEE in a coffee cup, the kind you take in the car. So that's what I normally do, but now that I've got a CHRISTMAS TREE! I don't want to go into mommy and daddy's room because I want to go down stairs and see the tree! First thing in the morning. In fact, I stood at the top of the stairs screaming for mommy and daddy to LAKE UP GO DOWNSTAIRS CHRISTMAS TREE! Daddy thought I thought it was Christmas morning, but I knew better. Mommy has circled the 25th on the calendar so I can see it and when I look at the calendar I point to the circle and say THAT'S CHRISTMAS. In the meantime one of my favorite books is a book about Rudolph.

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