SANTA'S HERE, SANTA'S HERE, HURRY UP AVERY, COME ON!" That's what I yelled as I ran down my street with Avery and mommy and daddy and Noelle and Paige and the rest of the neighborhood kids running fast behind me. The police escorted Santa so there was all kinds of lights and noise and it was SO LOUD! But I loved it. Santa just wanted to double check on my Christmas order. I told him nothing changed and that I still want a HAMMER. He gave me a lollipop that I licked twice and then handed to mommy because I was done. Man, I wish Santa brought
PACHITOS or CHEESE AND CRACKERS or PEANUT BUTTER PRETZELS. Maybe next year. Afterwards I got really hungry and asked mommy if Santa would bring me a bean and cheese burrito. He didn't. But mommy did.

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