Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Frankie's nice

MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY, I say, until Mommy says what, and then I say, FRANKIE'S NICE MOMMY. I say this all day long. Every single day. Who is Frankie? Frankie is the guy the washes daddy's car on the weekends. He's really nice. I've become quite obsessed with Frankie, and I only see Frankie about five minutes every week.

What else do I say? More like what do I not say. Or sing. There's so much new stuff I can't even begin to share. Sorry. Too much stuff. Mommy has been a blog slacker and can't keep up with the blog. Or her life. But she did promise to do better.

This week I've been sick. Really sick with a stuffy nose and a bit of a fever. I like telling people I'm sick. I say I SICK. The reason I'm so sick is because I've got a new tooth growing in the back. It makes me drool so much that mommy has to keep changing my shirts, and I don't want to change my shirt! I put up a pretty good fight, too, until mommy points out how dirty I am. I don't like to be DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY, so up go the arms, and off comes the shirt. DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY, that's what I say when I'm sweeping the house - rather aggressively. Mommy calls me broom man because I love my broom. I'm always looking for a broom. No matter where I am I can find a broom.

Even though I SICK, I still feel good enough to go dancing. I'm a dancing fool. Mommy's been trying for weeks now to get the dancing video downloaded but she's been having problems with the downloading process. That's okay, as long as I can still dance. Mommy wants to buy me tap shoes but daddy almost had a nervous break down. When I play Dean Martin's Hit the Road, my favorite song, Mommy taps and I clap and we have a great time. I love YUSIC and DANCING.
On the weekends there are concerts at the beach. I love THE BEACH and THE OCEAN and THE SAND and THE YUSIC and I'm always right up in front when the band is playing. Just me and all the homeless folks and whatever kids care to join me. You should see my moves. Mommy has no idea where I've learned them.

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