Dear Da-da,
Today I had a good day. Ma-me made french toast for breakfast so I got to dip dip dip, and after french toast there was coloring. While I was coloring I said the word purple. I like the word purple. I said purple a lot. After coloring there were cartoons, and after cartoons there was school. I got my school pictures today. Ma-me will post them online tomorrow. After school I came home and Ma-me made spaghetti for the second night in a row. I made a mess with the spaghetti. It was all over me - my hands, my face, my hair, and even all over my belly. And I actually ate a green bean - one green bean. After dinner there was more coloring. I actually brought ma-me the box of colors. Then there was a bath, and after that there was teeth brushing, and then there was a little TV and then I went to bed. Oh, and guess what, last night I actually fell asleep in the bath - sitting up - with the water running over my shoulder. At first Ma-me thought I was enjoying the warm water. She laughed at me. And then when she saw that I was sleeping, not closing my eyes to avoid the splashes, she could not believe what she was actually seeing. I was so very tired. She had to wake me up and take me out of the tub. Big news, I have three new teeth. That's why I haven't been sleeping at night. Only in the bath. I've also been singing a lot. I sing twinkle twinkle little star and my ABC's. I'm really good. 

These are my friends at school. At first I didn't want to go play with them. But then I saw a ball and wiggled my way down to the floor so I could run and get it. See me, I'm the only one not looking at the camera. I'm the one way in the back. See that girl, she tried to steal my ball away, but I wouldn't let her.

1 comment:
Awww..his friends are so cute. I really like the asian boy...he looks like maddox.
I would do your list thing but layla doesnt have favorite things...she is a baby. I guess I could try but I dont have the energy now to try to think like Layla. LOL. Sorry..I have been working a lot and havent really caught up on my energy. I need to do that this weekend.
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