Dear Da-da,
If you're wondering why Ma-me! didn't answer the phone today, it's because I chucked it across the room and it broke. Remember when I kerplunked her old phone in a glass of water the last time you were in London? Hmm...maybe you shouldn't go to London anymore. Don't worry, the phone is working now so you can call us tomorrow and we'll answer. The good news is I wasn't a terror ALL day. This morning Ma-me! put me in bed with her for early morning snuggles and I wrapped my arms around her neck, gave her gentle pats on the arm, and said, "ahhhh, baby" just like the way she does to me when I get hugs. It made her the happiest mommy in the world. And then I decided to give lip kisses today. Lots and lots of lip kisses. I even made the smacky noise, just like you do. I also learned how to take a big step. I can lift my right knee real high and then step. Not my left knee. Just my right. I do this all around the house. All Ma-me! has to say is Big Step and I'll do it - anytime, anywhere. Okay, time to take a Baf. And then brush my teef - for like the 100th time today. I love you. I'm doing the big knee walk right as this is being typed. I'll probably big knee walk all the way down the hall to the bathroom. That's how good I am.
If you're wondering why Ma-me! didn't answer the phone today, it's because I chucked it across the room and it broke. Remember when I kerplunked her old phone in a glass of water the last time you were in London? Hmm...maybe you shouldn't go to London anymore. Don't worry, the phone is working now so you can call us tomorrow and we'll answer. The good news is I wasn't a terror ALL day. This morning Ma-me! put me in bed with her for early morning snuggles and I wrapped my arms around her neck, gave her gentle pats on the arm, and said, "ahhhh, baby" just like the way she does to me when I get hugs. It made her the happiest mommy in the world. And then I decided to give lip kisses today. Lots and lots of lip kisses. I even made the smacky noise, just like you do. I also learned how to take a big step. I can lift my right knee real high and then step. Not my left knee. Just my right. I do this all around the house. All Ma-me! has to say is Big Step and I'll do it - anytime, anywhere. Okay, time to take a Baf. And then brush my teef - for like the 100th time today. I love you. I'm doing the big knee walk right as this is being typed. I'll probably big knee walk all the way down the hall to the bathroom. That's how good I am.

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