13 inches of rain, 7 foot waves, 3 storms in two days, that's what the news is predicting for this weekend. And so we headed to the beach....before things got ugly. Mama, who was ma-me, but is now mama, took me for another one of her looooong and borrring walks. I'm getting a little tired of these walks. I've been doing them since I started growing in her belly. They're just a bit too long for a fidgety guy like me. Speaking of me, there I am in the stroller, getting a little figdety. And I was just getting started. Only four more miles to go....

So what did I see on the walk. Besides the volleyball nets that didn't have nets, I saw balls without volleyball players. There were lots and lots of balls, and when I saw those balls I said "Ball!" and pointed. And I also saw dogs. Lots and lots 0f dogs, but I can't say the word dog yet, so I just pointed and smiled.

After the walk mama took me to the park. Look at all the little kids at the park...

These are my favorite steps. I go up and down. Up and down. Up and down.
See this big blue slide, I rode it! With mama. We went down it over and over and I said, "weee!" That's me climbing up the big blue slide. It was a really big blue slide. Mama couldn't believe when she saw me climbing it. And she couldn't believe it even more when she saw me get to the top. Of course she was behind me. But she didn't help! I didn't all by myself.

After about ten minutes of sliding, I saw something I couldn't believe...KIDS! And lots of them. It was a school of kids. After the initial shock wore off, I ran after them and guess what, they played with me!

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