Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here are photos of me with my three favorite toys...My first favorite toy is my cat ga-ga. He's not the nicest cat in the world, but I do like him a lot. In the mornings he lies on top of mama, and since I'm sleeping next to mama (she rescues me at 5am) I get to pet him, and I get to kiss him, Ga-ga is the only person I kiss with the kissy noise. I do a mmmmm-wah, when I kiss him. And I give him about twenty kisses in a row. I'm not so sure he likes my kissing. My second favorite toy is that piano in the background. I'm a good piano player and when I get a good beat going, I bounce my head up and down to the groove. Look at me playing piano down below. And notice the megaphone....Aunt Holly gave me that megaphone for Christmas and it's one of my most favorite toys in the whole world. Next to Ga-ga. I still haven't quite mastered the turning it on part, but I know I'm supposed to talk into it, and I can make it work real well when mama pushes the button for me.

Look at me showing Ga-ga how to use the megaphone. For some reason he doesn't really like the megaphone. I can't figure out why. I think it sounds really cool when I bang it as hard as I can on the table next to him.

So guess what...the mattress on the floor idea is still a good idea, but I'm still waking up every three hours. When mama comes into the room at night she tells me to lie down, and I do lie down, and then I fall asleep real quick...for three hours...and then I cry all over again.

Today I patted mama on the shoulder and said, Mama. And that made her really happy. Then I said Bobble, bobble, and mama got me a bottle. And then I said BAF! over and over in the middle of the day today. I even ran as fast as I could into the bathroom and stood in front of the tub and said BAF BAF, but mama didn't give me a baf. I also know where the cookies are, and when I want one I can crack the drawer open, and get my arm through the teeny tiny crack, and when I find the right bag, I cry, Cookie, cookie, and then mama will give me the cheese puffs. I call the puffs cookies. Cookies are good. Tonight I had tomato soup. Soup is good too.

1 comment:

Holly Allen said...

He is growing so fast. Is the megaphone really a favorite? I want to see what he says in it. Can you make a video?