Look at me showing Ga-ga how to use the megaphone. For some reason he doesn't really like the megaphone. I can't figure out why. I think it sounds really cool when I bang it as hard as I can on the table next to him.
So guess what...the mattress on the floor idea is still a good idea, but I'm still waking up every three hours. When mama comes into the room at night she tells me to lie down, and I do lie down, and then I fall asleep real quick...for three hours...and then I cry all over again.
Today I patted mama on the shoulder and said, Mama. And that made her really happy. Then I said Bobble, bobble, and mama got me a bottle. And then I said BAF! over and over in the middle of the day today. I even ran as fast as I could into the bathroom and stood in front of the tub and said BAF BAF, but mama didn't give me a baf. I also know where the cookies are, and when I want one I can crack the drawer open, and get my arm through the teeny tiny crack, and when I find the right bag, I cry, Cookie, cookie, and then mama will give me the cheese puffs. I call the puffs cookies. Cookies are good. Tonight I had tomato soup. Soup is good too.
1 comment:
He is growing so fast. Is the megaphone really a favorite? I want to see what he says in it. Can you make a video?
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