That's what mama's been calling me the last two days...her little man - ever since I got my mullet chopped. With my new do I've started doing all kinds of big boy things. Like wear a pancho. Da-da brought it home from Mexico. I'm wearing it with my checkered Vans and my cool jeans that came all the way from London. I'm such a big boy I ate my first burger from Fatburger. And I ate an onion ring. Today da-da and I hung out together while mama went shopping. Mama did her hair real big and curly and when I saw her coming down the stairs I said "WOOOOOW!" real loud. She looked so good, I ran to her and jumped in her arms and played with her big fat curls.

Look at me this morning...watching cartoons like a big boy. Teletubbies are by far my favorite. Teletubbies and the Wiggles

And this little guy is my new pet. He came and visited me last night. Doesn't he look like Ga-ga? When I saw him I knocked on the door and said, "Kitty Kitty." And then I grabbed my popcorn popper and banged it into the wall until my new pet ran away.
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